Northern Sky Theater, 2021
Lighting Designer, Technical Director
About The Company:
Northern Sky Theater solely preforms original musicals, created with their Door County audience in mind. They're situated in beautiful Peninsula State Park, meaning the amphitheater itself is public property and, in the mornings before call, can be used by anyone! They've recently celebrated their 50th anniversary, and are best known for shows like The Spitfire Grill and Guys on Ice.
About My Position:
Primarily, I functioned as the lighting designer and master electrician. I began the year expecting to design only one of their three summer shows, so I simply recreated their standard summer plot to share with the other designer. After the first show opened, I was approved to design the other two productions that went up at the outdoor theater. At that point, I was able to find creative ways to use the limited dimmer space to create a couple new color washes and really make the plot my own.
Additionally, I began the year as the assistant technical director, and became the full technical director by July. Due to Covid, scenic elements were quite limited this year compared to other seasons, but I still oversaw the nightly load-in and strike of scenery and audio equipment. Other tasks varied as needed, but included overseeing changeover between shows, setup and strike of equipment for rehearsals, and various repairs.